What Your Skin and Eyes are Telling You

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Orthodox medicine tends to regard many minor or self-limiting inflammations affecting the skin and eyes as being due to infection and treats them with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, chronic skin conditions, such as eczema, are often treated with stronger anti-inflammatory drugs (usually steroids) as an approach that will efficiently suppress the systems, but this usually does little to solve the underlying problem.

Western herbalists take a more holistic approach

They look at diet, emotional states, possible allergies, life style, and not just the physical symptoms. Food intolerance may be a factor in some skin disorders. exhaustion, and stress are often indicative of recurrent eye problems. Allergic reactions are increasing and are not being helped by high levels of pesticides, growth hormones, and antibiotics in the foods we eat, All these pollutants can strain the liver as it attempts to filter these substances and prevents them from re-entering the bloodstream. Many herbalists include herbs that help cleanse the liver, such as dandelion, one of the products we recommend is detox weight loss tea that are a blend of herbs to help cleanse the liver and kidneys as well as the digestive system.

The eyes are linked to the liver, skin to the lungs, and head hair to the kidney. Poor eyesight, tired eyes, or inflammation of the eye is an indication that the liver is out-of-order. Eyebright is an excellent herb to make an eyewash, to soothe eyes that are inflamed, irritated, itchy, we recommend Revital-eyes eye drops which contain eyebright and burdock root.

Psychological Effects of Skin and Eye Problems

Various skin and eye problems also have a psychological effect, an unsightly skin rash may be a manifestation of an insecure or introverted individual, sending out a “keep away don’t touch me” message. In such cases relaxing the nerves to ease inner tension such as herbs and essential oils that include rose, which affect the emotions and spirit of one’s inner self can work wonders.

Holistic Healer Recommendations

I recommend Relax essential oil, relax herbal tea, and stressed out herbal supplement. For anxiety and tension use happiness essential oil which contains rose, happiness herbal tea and stressed out supplement.

Start feeling better today for a vital tomorrow!


Dr. Stacey Sanchez
Dr. Stacey Sanchez
With over 25 years in the Health and Wellness industry and extensive education in Naturopathic Medicine, Nutrition and Health Coaching, Dr Sanchez successfully created personalized solutions for patients and clients who want to optimize their overall health goals.

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