Are You Sick From Being Clean
June 26, 2014
Dangers of Laundry Detergent
October 21, 2014

Asthma is primarily an allergic reaction. The immune system reacts with inflammation and airway constriction to factors in the environment (pollen, bacteria, viruses, molds, proteins) that it has become sensitized to.

Here are two of the main issues:

  1. the so called foods we eat now days. The reason I call it so-called foods is because everything is processed and modified, made quick and easy for your convenience. But how convenient  are these food’s? there not that convenient when you’re sick all the time and can’t work or go to school.
  2. personal care products– everything from deodorant, toothpaste, perfumes, lotions, are all made with chemicals which can trigger asthma instantly.

A close friend of mine from childhood has suffered from asthma all his life and his mother passed away from an asthma attack several years ago. I recently talked with him about his asthma and how he is taking care of it now days. He told me he no longer uses inhalers because of the health issues and side effects it caused him but he still has problems once in awhile.

I asked him if he would be willing to try a regimen of a real food diet and change the soaps, shampoos, and personal care products he uses, he was up for the task.

He works for the electrical company so he is outdoors most of the time, air quality is an issue for him so we had him use Holistic Healer’s Purify essential oil and apply it on his chest, underarms, and bottom of feet before work each day and have him use it if needed throughout the day by inhaling a drop or 2 in his hands. The other item we added was the aroma diffuser  we sell on our website designed for essential oil use only. He uses this every night or when he is at home to help clear the air and open up his breathing passages and the success he has had using these 2 items have work wonders. But there are still many other issues going on and that has to do with food. Yes food! As I said in the beginning food (processed) plays a major role in causing bad health issues besides ADD,ADHD, obesity, no energy, moodiness, and more.

Here are a few things to start removing out of your diet. Do them slowly and one at a time so you don’t get overwhelmed, keep a journal and write down changes that you have noticed. This is a great way to see your progress.

Things to work on eliminating

  • Dairy, wheat (gluten), pastas, breads, sugar, foods full of sugar, artificial sweeteners, too much caffeine, energy drinks, sodas, all processed foods.
  • Personal care products that are chemical based, have artificial fragrance, this is most products sold on the market today.

Learn to read labels and know what the ingredients in the product come from.

If you are interested in learning more about food choices and making life changes and how holistic healer can help email us at we have programs that are tailored just for you.

To learn more check out our websites and


This article was written by Stacey Sanchez for Holistic Healer and Wellness



Dr. Stacey Sanchez
Dr. Stacey Sanchez
With over 25 years in the Health and Wellness industry and extensive education in Naturopathic Medicine, Nutrition and Health Coaching, Dr Sanchez successfully created personalized solutions for patients and clients who want to optimize their overall health goals.

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